Epoxy Vs Standard Grout – What’s Better?

If you are building, renovating or undergoing shower repairs you might be faced with the question of which grout to choose for your new tiling – Epoxy grouting or standard cement-based grouting. Durable, anti-bacterial and anti-mould, Epoxy grout has fast become the grout of choice for tiling in showers and wet areas, but what’s the difference? What are the benefits and how does it differ in price to standard cement based grout? My Shower is a WA owned and operated specialised leak repair and waterproofing service, specialising in the use of world-class Epoxy products for a long-lasting finish. Read on to discover why Epoxy grout is our preferred choice for leaking shower and balcony repairs.

What Is the Difference?

Easy to work with and known as the traditional grouting material, cement-based grout is commonly used in residential applications as well as some commercial applications. Cement based grout is porous in nature, meaning it can easily absorb water and stain or deteriorate over time. Epoxy grout uses no cement, instead it is made from two-part epoxy resins to create a durable, long-lasting and stain-resistant grout. Considerably less porous than cementitious grouts, it is a good choice in wet areas and in places where acids and greases are present, such as in kitchens and bathrooms. Cement-based grout has long had a reputation for being a more affordable option, however, there are now many cost-effective Epoxy grouts available.

The Benefits of Epoxy Grout

Epoxy grout features a variety of benefits, some of these include:

  • Sturdy and durable – highly resistant to breakages, climatic changes, stains, harsh weather conditions, cracks, and stains.
  • Low porosity – inhibits bacteria, mildew or mould accessing the area beneath the surface
  • Highly resistant to chemicals
  • Ensures a consistent colour
  • Waterproof – water cannot permeate through
  • Excellent bond strength
  • Easy to clean
  • Low maintenance and long-lasting
  • Can absorb impact, vibration and small amount of stress and strain without cracking

Epoxy grout is the ideal choice for homes and commercial businesses searching for a strong and easy-to-maintain grouting solution.

Where to Use Epoxy Grout

With its impermeable qualities, Epoxy grout is perfect for tiled floors, splash backs, balconies and showers. Being waterproof, Epoxy grout adds a second layer of protection, with the first being the waterproof membrane below the surface. It is also ideally suited to commercial applications as it can withstand harsh chemicals and won’t break down or crumble over time with high pressure cleaning.

Is It Possible to Use Epoxy Grout Over Cement-Based Grout?

Yes, you can use Epoxy grout over cement-based grout. However, first it is essential to remove the existing cement grout out of the joints until it is around half of the tile depth. This depth is required for the new Epoxy grout to sufficiently adhere to the tile edges and the remaining cement grout beneath.

Call the Professionals

Grouting your shower with Epoxy grout is not a DIY job. More challenging to work with than standard cement-based grouts, using Epoxy grout to re-grout or a repair your shower is not an easy process. If you are in need of leak repairs and waterproofing, get in touch with a professional company such as My Shower. We use innovative, world-class Epoxy products which carry a 25-year warranty so you can have the peace of mind that your shower repairs will stand the test of time. For more information or a free quote get in touch with us today on 1300 055 088 or contact us online now.